Egg Donation programs & pricelist

Page contains – different infertility treatment programs and rates with egg donation treatment or embryo donation treatment in Elite Clinic (from 01.01.2024) :

  1. I. Frozen egg donation program
  2. II. Partial fresh egg donation (sharing of oocytes donated by one egg donor for two recipients, usually enough only for one natural embryo transfer )
  3. III. Total fresh egg donation (all oocytes donated by one egg donor, usually enough for one natural and one frozen embryo transfer)
  4. IV. Embryo Adoption programs:
    1. A. Frozen embryo adoption– FET(embryos left after successful treatment of infertile couples)
    2. B. Partial Fresh Embryo adoption and
    3. C. Total Fresh Embryo Adoption (fresh donor oocytes + donor sperm)
  5. V. Extra costs – if needed

The same page in different languages: Munasolujen luovutushoito – Ohjelmat ja hinnasto , Äggdonation programmen och prislista

I. Frozen Egg Donation Program

Due to Covid, we recommend using frozen oocytes, not fresh ones, because oocytes are only frozen if the Covid test is negative at the time of oocytes collection.

The oocytes are collected from the donor and frozen. After that the cells are kept in quarantine and during that time the tests for infections are done repeatedly and only then the eggs can be used. Its aim is to rule out the existence of a minimum risk for infections (such as HIV or hepatitis B and C), which can not be ruled out by using fresh oocytes.

Frozen eggs are convenient to use, as there is no need to wait for a donor preparation and would not need synchronization with the donor, and there is no risk that something can happen to the donor ( eg. wrong reaction to the drug, donor becomes ill, family problems occur, etc.). Before fertilization, the oocytes are thawed and fertilization is carried out by using ICSI.

Six frozen oocytes are usually sufficient to get one or two embryos to be transferred (if the semen has good quality). In case one embryo is transferred, then the other one would be frozen and could be used later. Only very good oocytes are frozen. Over 90% of oocytes survives thawing..

  • Pregnancy rate ~60% when transferring 2 embryos and ~40% when transferring 1 embryo. Given the risks associated with multiple pregnancies to the health of the child and the mother, we recommend to transfer only one embryo. Transferring two embryos increases the chance of pregnancy, not a healthy baby..
  • No waiting list.
  • The recipient can select the most desirable donor from the oocyte donor list, who’s frozen eggs they would like to use. Oocytes are frozen in 2, 3 or 4 batches in one vial. Therefore, it is not possible to use exactly 6 oocytes from all donors, in some cases a minimum of 7 or 8 eggs can be used. The doctor will inform you of the minimum number of eggs that can be used on the donor you have chosen. Information on availability of oocyte donor on the appropriate time for you would be sent to you by e-mail. If “not in Estonia” is written under the selection of donors, it means that this donor has the full number of children in Estonia and only foreigners can use this donor. You can book frozen donor eggs for 4 months, not for longer period. In case you want to cancel booking the donor, you will loose 10% of payment (185€)..
  • The recipient preparation will take place at Elite Clinic.

Price for a recipient who does not have Eesti Haigekassa insurance and who has the preparation abroad (the recipient’s preparation is not done at Elite Clinic. Price includes instructions and consultations by e-mail / telephone): 5850 EUR.

Price includes:

  • Access to the donor list, selection of the donor by the recipient, counseling for the selection of the donor by the doctor, 6 frozen oocytes (before the oocytes are frozen, treatment costs for the oocyte donor – tests, analyses, preparations for the procedure, medications for the donor during the preparation, retrieving oocytes from the donor, freezing oocytes, thawing oocytes, semen preparation, oocyte fertilization using ICSI method, embryo incubation during 2-3 days, IVF laboratory fees, embryo transfer to the recipient).
  • Consultations, ultrasound examinations and necessary analyzes within the framework of the program for the recipient.

Price does not include:

  • 1. Before starting the program necessary consultations, tests and analyzes for the recipient and the partner to confirm that it is possible to start the program.
  • 2. Medications for the recipient (with Eesti Haigekassa insurance costs about 330€).
  • 3. Freezing embryos (see price list under extras)
  • 4. The storage of frozen embryos (costs 1€ per day)
  • 5. Incubation till blastocyst stage (see price list under extras)
  • 6. Extra additional oocytes. If desired, and in the presence of frozen oocytes of the selected donor, it is possible to purchase oocytes (one oocyte costs 525€). The aim is to get more good embryos and to freeze some of the embryos for the next transfer. On request, for example, after giving birth, it is possible to book frozen eggs for the future for the next child.

Partial egg donation program in Elite Private Clinic

II. Partial Fresh Egg Donation Program

(We guarantee 5-6 fresh eggs, usually enough only for one fresh embryo transfer, 1 or 2 embryos per transfer according to patient’s wish. In case there is 1-2 embryos left over after the ET and patient wishes to store them then the embryo freezing and storage is for extra cost)

  • Pregnancy rate ~60% when transferring 2 embryos and ~40% when transferring 1 embryo.
    Given the risks associated with multiple pregnancies to the health of the child and the mother, we recommend to transfer only one embryo. Transferring two embryos increases the chance of pregnancy, not a healthy baby.
  • Recipient sees the list of egg donors and chooses donors she likes the most.
    Information on availability of oocyte donor on the appropriate time for you would be sent to you by e-mail. If “not in Estonia” is written under the selection of donors, it means that this donor has the full number of children in Estonia and only foreigners can use this donor.
  • No waiting list.

Elite treatment fees for an egg recipient arriving, having already been prepared in their home country. The patient contacts directly with Elite Clinic for the provision of treatment, which includes:

  • screening of egg donor, including tests
  • IVF
  • sperm preparation
  • insemination, fertilization and culture of the donor eggs
  • embryo transfer
  • for egg donor all consultation, IVF lab fees, facility fees etc for donor
  • contribution towards the egg donor’s treatment costs
  • medications for donor
  • list of egg donors available via e-mail

Total: 4675 EUR

  • Does not include embryo freezing nor storage.
  • Embryo freezing and storage for 3 months costs 490 EUR,
  • After 3 months period embryo storage costs 1 EUR per day. Maximum storage time is 7 years.
  • Incubation to the blastocyst stage additionally costs according to the price list (see additional procedures).
  • We recommend using Embryo Glue for embryo transfer, which additionally costs according to the price list.
  • FET (frozen embryo transfer) – 2090 EUR

Total egg donation program in Elite Private Clinic

III. Total Fresh Egg Donation Program

All oocytes donated by one donor, usually enough for one fresh and one frozen embryo transfer. We guarantee at least 10 eggs (usually there is 12-14 eggs)

  • Pregnancy rate ~60% when transferring 2 embryos and ~40% when transferring 1 embryo.
    Given the risks associated with multiple pregnancies to the health of the child and the mother, we recommend to transfer only one embryo. Transferring two embryos increases the chance of pregnancy, not a healthy baby.
  • Recipient sees the list of egg donors and chooses donors she likes the most.
    Information on availability of oocyte donor on the appropriate time for you would be sent to you by e-mail. If “not in Estonia” is written under the selection of donors, it means that this donor has the full number of children in Estonia and only foreigners can use this donor.
  • No waiting list.

Elite treatment fees for an egg recipient arriving, having already been prepared in their home country. The patient contacts directly with Elite Clinic for the provision of treatment, which includes:

  • screening of egg donor, including tests
  • IVF
  • sperm preparation
  • insemination, fertilization and culture of the donor eggs
  • embryo transfer
  • for egg donor all consultation, IVF lab fees, facility fees etc for donor
  • contribution towards the egg donor’s treatment costs
  • medications for donor
  • list of egg donors available via e-mail

Total: 7300 EUR

  • Does not include embryo freezing nor storage.
  • Embryo freezing and storage for 3 months costs 490 EUR,
  • After 3 months period embryo storage costs 1 EUR per day. Maximum storage time is 7 years.
  • Incubation to the blastocyst stage additionally costs according to the price list (see additional procedures).
  • We recommend using Embryo Glue for embryo transfer, which additionally costs according to the price list.
  • FET (frozen embryo transfer) – 2090 EUR

Embryo adoption program in Elite Private Clinic

IV. Embryo Adoption Programs :

  • No waiting list.
  • For recipient prepared in home country.

A. Frozen Embryo Adoption – FET (embryos left after successful treatment of infertile couples)

Doctor will choose the best embryo(s) for you, recipient cannot choose egg donor nor sperm donor from the list by parameters. Recipient can name 1-2 characteristics of egg donor or sperm donor (recipient is not able to choose parameters of both donors). For example if recipient wants to avoid brown eyes, we can probably follow it.

  • Pregnancy rate ~ 40% when transferring 1 frozen embryo and ~60% when transferring 2 frozen embryos.
    Given the risks associated with multiple pregnancies to the health of the child and the mother, we recommend to transfer only one embryo. Transferring two embryos increases the chance of pregnancy, not a healthy baby.

Total: when transferring 1 frozen donor embryo 3025 EUR

Total: when transferring 2 frozen donor embryos 4900 EUR

B. Partial Fresh Embryo adoption (fresh donor oocytes + donor sperm)

  • We guarantee 5-6 fresh eggs, usually enough only for one fresh embryo transfer, 1 or 2 embryos per transfer according to patient’s wish. In case there is 1-2 embryos left over afterthe ET and patient wishes to store them then the embryo freezing and storage is for extracost.
  • Pregnancy rate ~ 40% when transferring 1 frozen embryo and ~60% when transferring 2 frozen embryos.
    Given the risks associated with multiple pregnancies to the health of the child and the mother, we recommend to transfer only one embryo. Transferring two embryos increases the chance of pregnancy, not a healthy baby.
  • No waiting list.
  • Recipient sees the list of egg donors and chooses donors she likes the most. Information on availability of donors on the appropriate time for you would be sent to you by e-mail.

Total : 5200 EUR

C. Total Fresh Embryo Adoption (fresh donor oocytes + donor sperm)

All different parameters you may choose while using egg and sperm donors. All oocytes donated by one donor, usually enough for one fresh and one frozen embryo transfer. We guarantee at least 10 eggs (usually there is 12-14 eggs).

  • Pregnancy rate ~ 40% when transferring 1 frozen embryo and ~60% when transferring 2 frozen embryos.
    Given the risks associated with multiple pregnancies to the health of the child and the mother, we recommend to transfer only one embryo. Transferring two embryos increases the chance of pregnancy, not a healthy baby.
  • No waiting list.
  • Recipient sees the list of egg donors and chooses donors she likes the most.
  • Price do not include embryo freezing and storage.

Total : 7900 EUR

V Fee Schedule – extra costs if needed

  • ICSI : 550 EUR,
  • TESA : 550 EUR,
  • Incubation up to blastocyst stage : 550 EUR,
  • EmbryoGlue : 330 EUR,
  • FET (frozen embryos transfer) : 2090 EUR,
  • PGS (Pre-implantation genetic screening) for one embryo : 700 EUR,
  • Sperm cryopreservation (freezing) and storage during first 3 month : 390 EUR*,
  • Embryo freezing and storage during 3 months : 490 EUR,
  • Donor Sperm for one fertilization procedure : 600 EUR,
  • Laser assisted hatching : 500 EUR,
  • Intralipid infusion : 220 EUR,
  • Venous-thromboembolism-genetic-risk-assessment-test : 230 EUR,
  • Endometrial scratching : 350 EUR (includes histological investigations of endometrium),
  • Embryo or sperm storage (after the 3 months storage period): 1 EUR per day,
  • WhatsApp/FaceTime/Viber/Skype counselling with a fertility specialist: 180 EUR,
  • Activation of ovaries – IVA (in vitro activation)Price: With Estonian Health Insurance 3700 EUR. Without Estonian Health Insurance 4800 EUR,
  • Fertility assessment test : 330 EUR + ultrasound investigation`s fee + gynaecologist`s consultation fee
  • BeReady test: 550 EUR (+ consultation`s fee, biopsy, histology, ultrasound investigation).
    The test analyses 57 genes that measure endometrial readiness to accept an embryo, but do not quarantee embryo implantation and pregnancy in subsequent in vitro fertilisation cycles.
    The biopsy is taken from the uterus using a thin catheter.
    The result of the analysiswill be revealed in 2-3 weeks
  • Freezing of oocytes 1930 EUR
  • Carrier genetic screening test (CGT 250) Panel which includes analysis by massive sequencing (NGS) of 250 genes and 3,500 mutations associated to the most prevalent diseases.
    1100 EUR (donor) + 1100 EUR (partner using the donor) = 2200 EUR
    1100 EUR (female partner) + 1100 EUR (male partner) = 2200 EUR
  • ERA test: 1440 EUR (includes instructions for preparation with medications in case the preparation is done elsewhere than in Elite Clinic, endometrium biopsy performed in Elite Clinic, E ERA test, histological investigation of endometrium, consultation about test results). If the preparation is done in Elite Clinic consultations and scans will be for extra cost. Medications are excluded (100-400 EURO in case of standard reactions to the medications). Results will be ready within 4-6 weeks
  • Fee for issuing frozen embryos, oocytes, sperm out to another health facility – 660 EUR,
  • Fee for importing frozen embryos, oocytes, sperm from another health facility (includes processing fee, preparation of documents, receipt of embryos/cells) – 450 EUR,
  • Contract formalization fee in case of a foreign clinic – 320 EUR,

*- On the day the husband gives sperm to fertilize donor eggs it is possible – depending on the amount and quality of the sperm – to freeze some of the sperm (2-4 vials) for future use. Sperm cryopreservation (freezing) and storage for 3 months costs 390 EUR. This can be useful in case after embryo transfer pregnancy does not occur.

In this case:

  1. it is possible next time to use the frozen sperm so husband would not have to come to give sperm again; if the sperm is previously already frozen then the woman can come to Elite Clinic for embryo transfer only 1 time for approximately 1 hour (can come alone or with her husband according to her wish);
  2. husband does not have to perform the urine and blood tests again;
  3. if fertilization problems occur it is possible to use the frozen sperm for example to fertilize frozen donor eggs.
  • Ordering sperm, embryos or egg cells from other banks (including ESB, Cryos SB):
    • handling of the sperm in Elite Clinic costs 150 EUR and
    • storage of sperm, embryos or egg cells before/after the procedure costs 1 EUR per day.
  • Medications for recipient – you can get them from your doctor in home country or we can send all medications by DPD. Medications usually needed:
  1. Diphereline 3,75 mg depo (or Zoladex 3,6 mg depo)
  2. Estrofem (or Progynova or Zumenou) 2 mg VI org
  3. Progesterone intravaginal 400 mg c N 100 or Crinone geel VII org or Lutinos 100mg N150 or Utrogestan 200mg N200

Recipient can also be totally prepared for embryo transfer (including all tests and medications) in Elite Clinic.

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